“Forgotten Hollywood”- An AMAZING Store Chain Addition!

Posted on July 17, 2012 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

~ S A L E S   A L E R T ~

   I’m pleased to announce the largest store chain in America has added Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History to their inventory. WALMART is making my latest paperback available, at least through their online store.

    This matches the previous prestigious adds in 2010 by Target and Costco of my original work, Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History.  Fans of WALMART will now be able to read my new book; and they can  buy it for less. This is really exciting news in the journey taken by the Forgotten Hollywood Book Series, so far. And, watch for those falling prices!

   Here’s the direct link to the WALMART page, so YOU can make that affordable purchase:




   The 98th library carrying the combined Forgotten Hollywood Book Series is in Australia. Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History is in the 81st branch at the Bundoora campus of the La Trobe University Library.

   Bundoora is a suburb in Melbourne, Victoria. La Trobe is considered to be particularly strong in the area of arts and humanities. It’s the second major library in Australia to house my work.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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