“Forgotten Hollywood”- A Ton of Blogs…

Posted on October 6, 2018 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…

“`It was September 2009, when I chose to create the Forgotten Hollywood website to write blogs to compliment my newly written paperback. I was not convinced I could write a number of blogs each week that resembled stories in Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History. But I took on the challenge…


“`I decided to take on this task after watching Julie and Julia, a film that examines the art of blogging about your passionate interests. The screenplay was a tandem of stories; a biography about an iconic cultural figure,  Julia Child, and a modern chef who uses social media branding to remind the public about the timeless art of creating French cuisine.

“`In November 2012, Los Angeles Press Club 5th Annual Entertainment Journalism Awards recognized my efforts with a third place accolade in their Best Blog by an Individual category. Actor James Franco took second place and Kathy Griffin was an honorable mention; top-notch company indeed!

“`Today, October 6, 2018, I am thrilled this personal chronicle is blog number two-thousand. This is a number I believed was not attainable. What a remarkable milestone by any literary standard. And it took just over nine years.

“`In the meantime, I am on to my next two thousand blogs… Wish me luck!

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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