“Forgotten Hollywood”- Another Literary Milestone…

Posted on March 15, 2013 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here… 700_website_header

   With my production team in the Development of the Forgotten Hollywood Documentary, it’s nice to note Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History has reached a super watershed moment. Thanks mostly to the fine folks who belong to the local chapters of the Rotary Club, over 700 copies of my second work has officially been sold in a tad over a year.

   Most recently, Rotarians from the Crescenta /Canada, Fullerton, and East Los Angeles put me over the top with regards to my latest literary accomplishment. Also, positive sales information provided by Danforth Book Distribution is always welcome.

rotary3wheels   Danforth new logo

   As I prepare to go into Production of our latest Forgotten Hollywood venture, I came across a vivid reminder on the importance of literature vs. what today’s latest generation is enjoying on network and cable television. The Forgotten Hollywood franchise must remain dedicated to providing education, information, and entertainment in an intelligent manner.

book motto   FINALfrontcover-sonofforgottenhol

   What a wonderful goal we have established!

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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