“Forgotten Hollywood”- A 6-Pack Celebration!

Posted on June 12, 2010 by raideoman1 | No Comments

Manny P. here…                                         sixpack of beer

   Sales are very brisk for my paperback. I sold my 600th copy of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History this afternoon at MCAI MediaProCamp II seminar.

   Emmett of Electric Pictures bought the keepsake, and he becomes the latest owner. His daytime job is to transfer public domain classic movies into DVDs. His business offers these treasured motion pictures available for stock footage companies.mpc190

   Speaking of the MediaProCamp II, I had a great time at this wonderful MCAI series of free seminars. The format was a relaxed atmosphere of networking among folks who work in the visual, audio, and print media. Those who attended really had the chance to learn alot with regards in providing professional entertainment. The Digital Media Center in Santa Ana was the host venue of this informative day-long event.

digitalmediacenter2   lMCAI ogo

   I had a chance to share my acquired knowledge in the topic of Self-Publishing a Book. Gary Lycan joined me for one of the 45 minute sessions, which included lots of active participation by those who sat in on the seminar. I’m proud to admit the day might have inspired a few potential authors!

   A big thanks to John Coleman of Twin Oaks Communication for the gracious invitation.

Until next time>                               “never forget”

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